Sunday 19 October 2008

History repeating

It’s that time of year again when groups like us start thinking about LGBT History Month in Feb 2009. Of course, it'll also be Nottinghamshire's Rainbow Heritage's first birthday. The main event in Nottingham will be an exhibition at the View from the Top gallery above Waterstones, but there'll be exhibitions and events up and down the whole county.

Those who attended the launch in February this year may remember the presentation of 3 Certificates of Recognition. These were presented to people or organisations who have played a significant part in improving or developing the LGBT community. To refresh your memory the first certificates went to The New Forester, Ike Cowen, and the Holocaust Centre (see the NRH index for details about these recipients).

We'd like nominations for the next 3 certificates to be presented at next year's exhibition. Here are some guidelines to bear in mind. The recipient can be an individual, group, charity, venue, campaign, volunteer group, or commercial company. The recipient must have a significant connection to Nottinghamshire, even though their influence may extend to the wider community. Because of the heritage nature of our project, it is possible to nominate a person or group that is no longer with us, as long as there is some long-lasting effect on the community.

Several nominations have been put forward already, but we'd like more so that a wide range of recipients can be recognised.So get thinking, folks. We'll keep nomination open until January. Send your nominations, and most importantly the reason why you think your suggestion should be recognised, to the NRH email address.

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