Thursday 21 August 2008

At the 2008 Nottingham Pride Festival, people visiting NRH's marquee were asked to post their answers to several questions. One question was "What is the most unusual place you've had sex?" ... and some of the answers were:

Under the stars in a field ....Buxton, on top of the Blue John mine .... Up a tree .... Up the same tree ..... In the hot room at Roko Gym ......On the roof of the Victoria Centre ... The Manager's Office at Lloyds (it has CCTV) .....Against a bookcase in the Bodleian Library ....At the back of a Barton's bus .....Through the railings at Great Portland Street Hospital ....Manager's Office Burger King ....Middle of a field in a stone circle ....On the back of a horse when it was trotting ...Chatsworth House graveyard.

Can anyone do better?

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sara's summer said...

It's not the strangest location but it's the funniest 'first night'. My girlfriend and I spent ages trying to decide if we fancied each other...the old why spoil a good friendship when we did eventually work it out we got down to it pretty swiftly as you can imagine! When we were coming down from the ceiling about 20 mins later I looked down and saw that my girlfriend was completely naked apart from her socks and trainers!! I teased her for ages that she just wanted to know she could run away if it was crap sex! We still laugh about that one today, four years later!

Splod said...

This is disgusting filth. Sex should always be between a loving married couple, in a bedroom, at night, in the dark and certainly not more than once a month.